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  • Street parking meters, when installed and properly operated, shall be so adjusted and marked as to show legal parking during a period of twelve minutes upon and after the deposit therein of a one-cent ($.01) coin, sixty minutes upon and after the deposit of one five-cent ($.05) coin, or such other periods and payments as Council may designate, provided, however, that the owners or operators of service vehicles, such as, but not limited to, those of plumbers, electricians, repairmen and delivery men, etc. , shall be entitled to street parking privileges in metered areas when such vehicles are being used in such service, except in twelve-minute meter zones, without the deposit of a coin during a period of one calendar month upon payment of a fee of seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50), upon receipt of which the City Manager shall issue an appropriate parking permit. Such permit shall also entitle the holder thereof to parking privileges on off-street parking lots for such service vehicles during the same period of time subject to availability of parking space.
    Parking meters upon any off-street parking lot operated by the City shall be so adjusted and marked as to show legal parking during a period of one hour after the deposit therein of one five-cent ($.05) coin, two hours upon the deposit of one dime ($.10) or two nickels ($.10), and five hours upon the deposit of one quarter ($.25), or such other periods and payments as Council designates, provided, however, that upon the payment of a fee of five dollars ($5.00), the City Manager shall be authorized to issue to any person parking permits in an appropriate form, which shall entitle the holder thereof to parking privileges in such off-street parking lot or lots during the period of one calendar month without deposit of coins, subject to availability of parking space.
    All of the above-mentioned coins shall be money of the United States, and payments of the aforesaid amounts for the above periods shall be made for parking in the areas for which the parking meters are installed.
    (Ord. 724. Passed 2-24-64.)